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You can visit the FRG Team pages to get contact details for the FRG Rep at your unit, or you can send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
You should attempt to contact your soldier and ask him/her to work with the unit Chaplain to identify resources available if the situation cannot be remedied without assistance. Presently the FRG is not equipped to assist soldiers or families with monetary assistance. The FRG can assist with finding resources like those the Chaplain can assist with. The FRG often works with the Chaplains to aid in getting the resources out to the families that need them.
The FRG leadership is comprised of dedicated volunteers who have the support of the unit commander they are working with. This does not mean the FRG leadership is the commander’s or 1SG’s spouse. The leadership team needs to be someone that is committed to the success of the FRG and the 1st Brigade mission. FRG volunteers can be anyone who wants to volunteer for a particular event but lacks the time to be on the leadership team. These events include Family days, Annual Training support, dining outs, other social events, and even showing up on drill Saturday to cook or serve the troops lunch.
As a family member the best way to help your soldier and the unit is by supporting the efforts of your soldier. The unit is able function because of the dedicated soldiers and the outstanding support and understanding from their families, employers, and communities. The soldier is able to report for drill or a mission fully focused on supporting Texans in their time of need because they know you support their actions. The FRG is rooted in the belief that a happy soldier is only possible because of the family support he or she receives. You can also help by volunteering with the FRG or stepping into a leadership role within the FRG.